
Collaborative Learning and Adaptive Robots (CLeAR) Lab.

Harold delivers ICRA'24 Keynote

Harold gave a well-received Keynote at ICRA’24 on our group’s work on generative modeling and robotics! He spoke about two of our recent works on new kinds o...

4 Papers at R:SS'24.

All four of our submissions (3 papers, 1 demo) were accepted to R:SS 2024! A fantastic accomplishment by our CLeAR members Kaiqi, Samson, Tasbolat, Linh, Kel...

2 Papers at Neurips'23.

Both our submitted papers were accepted to Neurips this year! Come join us in New Orleans! Congrats to Alvin and Shuyue. Find out more about the papers below...

3 Papers at IROS'23.

CLeAR had three papers accepted to IROS this year! Come join us in Detroit! Congrats to Tasbolat, Bowen, and Kaiqi. Find out more about the papers below: ...

Introducing Dr. Sreejith Balakrishnan!

Congratulations Sreejith on successfully defending his thesis! Sreejith’s work was on value alignment in human-centric AI/robots. Check out his Neurips pap...

Early Career Spotlight at R:SS 2023!

Harold has been awarded an Early Career Spotlight at the Robotics: Science and Systems 2023. The Early Career Spotlight “* acknowledges the outstanding acc...

Introducing Dr. Xie Yaqi.

Xie Yaqi successfully defended her thesis and is now Dr. Xie. Congratulations Yaqi! You can find out more about Yaqi’s work on embedding symbolic knowledg...

IEEE T-AFFC Best Paper Award!

Our joint work with Desmond Ong, Jamil Zaki and Noah Goodman on Applying Probabilistic Programming to Affective Computing is one of 5 Best Papers (out of 82 ...

Kaiqi wins the 2022 Research Achievement Award.

Kaiqi Chen is awarded the Research Achievement Award for his RSS 2022 paper on Differentiable Social Projection for Human Robot Communication.

Harold wins NUS ATEA 2022.

Harold has been awarded the University Annual Teaching Excellence Award (2022). Harold also won the Faculty Teaching Excellence Award and is now on Faculty H...

CLeAR graduates its first PhD Student.

Abdul Fatir Ansari successfully defended his thesis and is now Dr. Ansari. Congratulations Fatir!

Sreejith wins the 2020 Research Achievement Award.

Sreejith Balakrishnan is awarded the Research Achievement Award for his NeurIPS 2020 paper on efficiently exploring reward functions in Inverse Reinforcement...

Tasbolat and team win IROS 2021 Best Paper Award.

We have won the Best Paper Award at the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) 2021 in October. IROS is a premier flagshi...

Harold wins Annual University and Faculty Teaching Awards!

Harold was awarded the university level and faculty teaching awards for the year 20/21!

Harold wins faculty teaching award for the 3rd time!

Harold was awarded the faculty teaching award for the year 19/20!

Yaqi wins the 2020 Research Achievement Award.

Yaqi Xie is awarded the Research Achievement Award for his NeurIPS 2019 paper on Embedding symbolic knowledge into deep networks.

Harold wins Faculty Teaching Award!

Harold was awarded the faculty teaching award for the year 18/19!

Sreejith makes it to the 2019 Honor List of Student Tutors

Sreejith Balakrishnan is awarded the 2019 Honor List of Student Tutors for his contribution as a tutor to the module “CS4246: AI Planning and Decision Making”.

Harold wins Faculty Teaching Award 17/18!

Harold was awarded the faculty teaching award for the year 17/18! A first time win.