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Multi-Task Trust in Human-Robot Interaction

Human Trust in Robots across Task Contexts

Embedding Symbolic Knowledge into Deep Networks

Leveraging prior symbolic knowledge to improve the performance of deep models.

Applying Probabilistic Programming to Affective Computing

We propose a probabilistic programming approach to affective computing.

Robot Capability and Intention in Trust-based Decisions across Tasks

We present results from a human-subject study designed to explore two facets of human mental models of robots - inferred capability and intention - and their relationship to overall trust and eventual decisions.

Harold wins Faculty Teaching Award!

Harold was awarded the faculty teaching award for the year 18/19!

Towards Effective Tactile Identification of Textures using a Hybrid Touch Approach

We show that iCub robot classifies the surface textures with both sliding and touch movements under loose constraints with high accuracy.

Sreejith makes it to the 2019 Honor List of Student Tutors

Sreejith Balakrishnan is awarded the 2019 Honor List of Student Tutors for his contribution as a tutor to the module “CS4246: AI Planning and Decision Making”.