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LTLDoG: Satisfying Temporally-Extended Symbolic Constraints for Safe Diffusion-based Planning

We develop a safe planning method for trajectory generation by sampling from diffusion model under different LTLf constraints.

Harold delivers ICRA'24 Keynote

Harold gave a well-received Keynote at ICRA’24 on our group’s work on generative modeling and robotics! He spoke about two of our recent works on new kinds o...

Octopi: Object Property Reasoning with Large Tactile-Language Models

We introduce PhysiCLeaR, an annotated dataset of everyday objects and tactile readings collected from a Gelsight Mini sensor, as well as Octopi, a system that leverages both tactile representation learning and large vision-language models to perform physical reasoning and inference, given tactile videos of multiple objects.

4 Papers at R:SS'24.

All four of our submissions (3 papers, 1 demo) were accepted to R:SS 2024! A fantastic accomplishment by our CLeAR members Kaiqi, Samson, Tasbolat, Linh, Kel...

Don’t Start from Scratch: Behavioral Refinement via Interpolant-based Policy Diffusion

We develop interpolant policies that leverage informative source distributions for imitation learning.

Arena 3.0 - Advancing Social Navigation in Collaborative and Highly Dynamic Environments

We introduce the third iteration of the Arena platform - Arena 3.0, a platform to develop, train, and benchmark social navigation approaches!

GRaCE: Balancing Multiple Criteria to Achieve Stable, Collision-Free, and Functional Grasps

We propose an optimization-based grasp synthesis framework, GRaCE, to generate context-specific grasps in complex scenarios. We test GRaCE in a simulator and a real-world grasping tasks.